Friday, September 20, 2002

joshlength: mac-n-cheese
HalighALieHaligh: bernie mac
HalighALieHaligh: mac-n-disease
joshlength: pauly shore
HalighALieHaligh: um hum
joshlength: hey,i rented the new Pauly Shore movie,wanna come over
HalighALieHaligh: cheesecake on the rocks
HalighALieHaligh: vegan
HalighALieHaligh: do i!>!??!?!?
joshlength: dont cry for me Argentina
HalighALieHaligh: the 60-year old man who shot his wife, daughter, granddaughter, as well as himself in 1998, just two days after starting on Paxil. GSK has also been forced by the British FDA to issue a suicide warning with Paxil. !!!
joshlength: cant win em all
joshlength: you snooze you lose
joshlength: you take Paxil you lose
HalighALieHaligh: true that
joshlength: do you like the hives?
HalighALieHaligh: i haven't really heard them
HalighALieHaligh: i've heard of them
HalighALieHaligh: or do you mean the rash?
HalighALieHaligh: i love the rash
joshlength: how about the vines
HalighALieHaligh: it feels good when you scratch it
HalighALieHaligh: you mean poison ivy vines
HalighALieHaligh: they give you hives
joshlength: nevermind
HalighALieHaligh: did i frusterate you until you gave up?
joshlength: shutup mamas boy
HalighALieHaligh: mmmmm
HalighALieHaligh: aunt jemima's boy
joshlength: Greenglass
HalighALieHaligh: mmmm beer
joshlength: its people!!!!
HalighALieHaligh: power to the people
joshlength: soilent green is people!!!
HalighALieHaligh: shower the people you love with love
HalighALieHaligh: show them the way that you feel
joshlength: i hate you
HalighALieHaligh: i love you

PS: below is a design for my upcoming fulllength entitled... you guessed it - Besar o no Besar (It's spanish for to kiss or not to kiss)

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