This reality thing is starting to bum me out
an existential mistake with the sillycybin
fist giggly then weepy then giggly and weepy
it's too lonely inside my head
i'm too isolated from everyone else
it's like i'm the only person alive in the entire universe
i guess i've always known that i'm the only living being
and everyone around me are just ghosts of the past
so i'm walking in a ghost town
doing a ghost job
making ghost money
paying bills to ghosts
and still i'm worried that somehow this world will take me down with it
progress is being made however
with the lord as my shepard
i will bring fun back to our generation
everyone's gotten too serious
i know, i used to be straight edge
i used to take puritanism seriously
i feel disconnected from my generation
i feel like we've headed in the wrong direction
we've headed toward a world with consequences, not moments
we're losing our concept of the present
we see things only in terms of the past and the future
there is no unselfish love anymore
we're all only out for ourselves
ok fine, but when did everything get so serious
when did everyone get so offended and creeped out by things
why don't we have fun anymore
even recreation is business
and there is no emotion in recreation anymore
it's supposed to be cold and sterile
otherwise we might lose ourselves in the moment
and we can't think about the moment
jodorowsky said:
when you love someone you love their presence and their absence simultaneously
because for everything we have there is a longing for an infinity we can't have
i want to tune in, but i just seem to tune out
perhaps this is the sign of the molting of the piscean age
and the golden dawn of aquarius
since september 17th 2001 and on into 2012
this will be a transforming time for our race
we will move from this self-centered paradigm of ignorance
into the light of love
a poet writes his thoughts
and sometimes those thoughts are ugly
even the most pious saint has ugly thoughts
no one can say that if they wrote everything they thought down that there wouldn't be some despicable moments
some moments they're ashamed of
becuase god and the devil lives in the human mind
and you can't have god without the devil
if you did the world would be off balance
and would tumble to one side
like a kid on a teeter totter with no one to play with