Thursday, August 26, 2004

We're in a rest area in North Dakota where they have free internet. Wierd eh. Anyway, I'm feeling a little homesick and lonely. Here is an angry poem.


shhh, I am a secret
I am angry but don't let them on
swallowed too many capsules that come from horse hooves to be vegan
balance and disorder chill together on the couch in my mind's waiting room
and heavy metal falls from the sky
going *tink*tink*tink* on the marble floor
represent my rotting teeth
stuck in succession with the devil and the angels
happy to make peace
but proud to disturb it
I don't know about you but there are a lot of things in this world that piss me off
and that i can't change
and that pisses me off more
like vote for donkey to banish the monster
how was the RNC? and how are those petitions going?
A petition never blew up a building
but the anarchists did
they blew up parliament in NAZI Germany
and hitler killed them
but these days death is much quieter

Monday, August 23, 2004

Wooo! we are in michigan going insane from uppers and sleep deprivation. wooo!