Friday, March 29, 2002

Today's poem was written last night. READ! ENJOY! AGITATE! EDUCATE! CREATE!

A20: This year grows too thin

A month of sadness begins in the streets of DC
As an absentee supporter alone in a quite room
Under a lonely blanket of stars
I climb to the top of my ego
Only to fall again like bricks pushed over the edge

So what's happening with us
What's happened to you
What's happening in the world
What have we become?

I left a letter inside an envilope inside a coat pocket inside a locker
And I never took it out and completed the mission
I guess I got scared
But when you hold me; that's inspiring
It's like the political prisoners banging on the jail windows in solidarity with the protest outside
And that's what's real
And that's revolution

The way yr eyes change shade when I stare deeply into them
That's revolutionary and that's beautiful
And revolution is beauty

-Mitch Jones

Thursday, March 28, 2002

OK, so it's finally happening! Poetry on this blog! Here's one I wrote a few days ago. Reprints are okay as long as you credit me (Mitch Jones) as the author and put a link to this page.

What is it like... inside that box

Let me think about it
Roll it around like dice in my mind
It's like when a car wizzes by
And all you feel is the breeze shift as the sand and gravel hits yr back
And it's like a McD*nalds bag in the middle of the road
On top of double-solid-yellow lines like some sort of LSD ordinated corporate king
The throne on the road next to the cadaver of an unlucky squirrel
It's like when the sky starts getting clear only to make way for some rain
Or the way the clouds dissipate to make room for the smog
It's like how tired I am of debating
So I fill my world with like-minded people so I won't have to face the agony of disagreement
So my mind just closes in around itself
And our own wars are surrendered to ourselves
And the global recovery program doesn't fit with the introspection and my own self-loathing
I'm so much more alone that I used to be
And I'm not so afraid
But I think my lame attempts at self-determination fall short
When weighed against the magnitude of anti-humanism

-Mitch Jones

Wednesday, March 27, 2002

OK, more indie-singer-songwriters:
Pedro the Lion
TW Walsh
Elliot Smith (he used to be indie, I don't know if he still is)
Ben Kweller

Other stuff:

Ben Kweller is playing at the Record Archive on East Ave. on Tuesday, April 2 at 3:30 for free. He is also playing with the Anniversary and Dashboard Confessional that night at the Water Street Music Hall, but that show's sold out. Waa.

Sunday, March 24, 2002

It's been a while since I've updated this page. Thursday night was fun. HasTheBoyFallen played Ylin Ylang (Hospital Song) and Eulogy for Broken Working Class Dreams. Other hilights were my friend Ray's death-metal band which shoked most of the audience members over 21. I gave away all my tapes, sold 3 CDs and gave away most of my universal healthcare propaganda. I'm planning on playing again in 2 weeks on Thursday at Java Junction. Come check it out if you get the chance.