Thursday, September 04, 2003

Here's lyrics to a song that's on Love, Revolution and Grass and a poem which I might turn into a song...


I've decided I want to die choking on my own vomit
I heard once
- I don't remember if it was Satan or George Orwell -
That if you want to be free you've got to die in yr boots
I like going to bed wet
So maybe I'll drown myself in the toilet as I go
Make fun of dying
Mock death then leave
This is why I don't drink... much
Because every once in a while you think dreams will save you
But press the levar and they're flushed like everything else
Maybe that's why I can't stand churches

It's Not My Revolution If I Can't Puff

Drugs drugs are good
Drugs drugs are bad
It's all in what you call it
Is it a drug if it's medicine?
Is it a drug if it's a plant?
I saw a homeless civil-war reenactor walking into a McDonald's carrying a musket and a sack full of something
And everyone has their own explanations
It's either too few or too many drugs
The doctors gave me Zoloft
My friends gave me pot
I liked pot better
If you don't do enough drugs they say you'll die
We've all got to go sometime
Didn't you hear Joe Hill say it's a lie that yr high in the sky when you die
I define drugs differently
And I don't think there's any reason why I shouldn't be high in the sky while I'm still alive
So let's cut the bullshit:
The herbacides, the wars and the jails
Long live the FARC
Spark that shit and feed yr fucking head
My new tape is done. It's like 20 something songs and it's two sides of a 60 min tape. It's called A Whole Bunch of Songs About Love, Revolution and Grass. E-mail me or talk to me in person if you want a copy. Here's another pie link.
The world needs more pieings like this one.
Listen people, let's stop kissing Dean's ass and start smashing the state. Vote Democrat? Nah, I prefer revolution.