I've decided I want to die choking on my own vomit
I heard once
- I don't remember if it was Satan or George Orwell -
That if you want to be free you've got to die in yr boots
I like going to bed wet
So maybe I'll drown myself in the toilet as I go
Make fun of dying
Mock death then leave
This is why I don't drink... much
Because every once in a while you think dreams will save you
But press the levar and they're flushed like everything else
Maybe that's why I can't stand churches
It's Not My Revolution If I Can't Puff
Drugs drugs are good
Drugs drugs are bad
It's all in what you call it
Is it a drug if it's medicine?
Is it a drug if it's a plant?
I saw a homeless civil-war reenactor walking into a McDonald's carrying a musket and a sack full of something
And everyone has their own explanations
It's either too few or too many drugs
The doctors gave me Zoloft
My friends gave me pot
I liked pot better
If you don't do enough drugs they say you'll die
We've all got to go sometime
Didn't you hear Joe Hill say it's a lie that yr high in the sky when you die
I define drugs differently
And I don't think there's any reason why I shouldn't be high in the sky while I'm still alive
So let's cut the bullshit:
The herbacides, the wars and the jails
Long live the FARC
Spark that shit and feed yr fucking head