Monday, April 05, 2004

I feel really stagnant. I've become a bit anti-social lately. And I've been reading William Burroughs, which makes me think about junkyism a lot. I've been writing a lot of songs and poems. I suppose that's a good thing. The gospel of Strauss. Vulture's Kiss. I ran into one of my Professors today. He asked me if I was still writing. I told him that I was... a lot. I have to or else I'll die. I don't think they understand Straussism. No one likes a bong hoarder, and no one likes a Nitrous Whore. What are you doing on 4:20 on 4/20? Then on 4/23-25? Ahhh fuck. Well this weekend Defiance, Ohio is playing in Buffalo.friday april 9th

evil robot us`. defiance ohio. erik peterson. hissy fit. the midwest breaking.

buffalo- 29 custer. 5pm $5
I wanted to say a million things, but I can't think of them. Ephedrine is a listed chemical under the Chemical Diversion
and Trafficking Act of 1988 (CDTA) (Pub. L. 100-690). Under
provisions of the CDTA (21 U.S.C. 802(34)(c)), thresholds were
originally assigned to each listed chemical. The CDTA imposes
reporting and recordkeeping requirements for regulated transactions
which meet or exceed these threshold amounts of a listed chemical.
I don't go to school here anymore. This place is bad vibrations I think. There is nothing but small minded young-republicans, meat-heads, box-heads. Fuckers basically. I've got to get home before all the beers are drunk. Oh..., if yr interested... I am starting a label of sorts, non-profit. Mostly tapes, but maybe some CD's or even vinyl if possible (probably not). It's called Inner Space Recordings and here's the catalogue as it sits:
Hastheboyfallen - A Whole Bunch of Songs About Love, Revolution and Grass
Buddah's Tits - Anthology Vol. I
Pretnesious Art Snobs - POMO
Has Anyone Killed Sigmon Freud Yet - S/T
Metro-Rochester Art-Punk Comp. featuring Hastheboyfallen, Forgotten Figures Falling Together Between Two Twigs, That Kid and the Other Guy, Pretensious Art Snobs, Buddah's Tits and Has Anyone Killed Sigmon Freud Yet

All of these are available on request. I have to make the tapes before I can give them to you so let me know if you want one. I guess you can't e-mail me since I don't have an e-mail so let me know in person.