Thursday, November 06, 2003

A poem is a poem that is not alone only if it does not sleep by itself...

*Second Glance At a Blood Stained Veil*

I could see the light creeping in from the crack inbetween the door and the wall
It was bleeding onto my face like the web from a spider's ass
I woke up gently to find my body not in the most comfortable of positions
I proceeded to try and find my way up, but my limbs were numb
After the tingly feeling all over my body subsided I was able to move
It felt so good to move
And just be free and just AWAKE!
It's like the sound of a freight elevator in the middle of a drug-awareness video
The kind they used to show us in eighth grade
How did they expect us to understand then
We were just little kids
We didn't know anything about spirits or ghosts or consciousness
They didn't teach us that which was once so important to the human family
They only taught us death and hell and rules
We never learned dances or freedom or imagination
We learned facts and figures and statistics and dates
Well that's all HORSE SHIT!
I defy you school system
I defy yr hidden curriculum
I defy yr dream assasinations
I defy yr rule crazy pig-fucking system
And I object to the horror that you continue to put the children of this human family through
I object to the indoctrination
I object to the flag-sucking, bible-thumping patriotic ameriKKKan dream
I object to teaching Reganism and Swartzeneggerism and Trickle Down Technophile Shitstem Economics
I will burn yr flag
I will break yr laws
I will steal and scam and subvert
I will grow whatever I want
I will smoke whatever I want
I will eat whatever I want
I will read whatever I want
I will love whatever I want
I will worship however I want
I will take my life if I want to
I will smoke a cigarette wherever the fuck I want
Because I am soverign
I am my own master and I will bring you down
With my bare hands I will tear down the walls of yr castle
And like Robin Hood I will steal from the rich and give to the poor
Every culture has a Robin Hood story
And Robin Hood is always the hero
Because Robin Hood is for the people
And there ain't no power like the power of the people because the power of the people don't stop
So I can swim naked in a pond at 2am if I want to
And I can smoke whatever I want inside a public building if I want to
And I can fuck whatever gender I want to fuck
And I can write and grow and learn and read and think and ingest and smoke and listen and watch whatever the fuck I want
Because I am soverign
I am my own master
I saw my own face in the sky
And then I watched it crumble and fall
Like the towers of Jericho
There I was on the ledge with god
She was scrawling something onto a stone tablet
But it was just gibberish
God wasn't writing anything
It was Moses
Moses was the asshole
He made up all those rules
Fuck Moses
Fuck Jesus
Fuck Muhhammed
I am my own prophet.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

ok, I finally did it. I'm pathetic, I know. But I'm also very lonely. I posted a personal ad on the High Times website. Who knows, maybe it'll help me become famous. View my profile here.