Saturday, September 13, 2003

Thursday, September 11, 2003

today's links:

today's poem:

*Entropic Distance; Fragmented Pangea*

Turn the corner and my mind doesn't work
Laying the bricks in the wall before the machine stops working
Dry lips and moist pants
Fucked on hashish and beer
The lights dim
There's really no light at all
And you became a ghost
All I could see was yr auora and it scared me
Frantic in the playground of yr mind
Bending, turning, streching
Fucking my mind
Fucking in my mind
Fucking up my mind
Black lights make bodies glow like the gray race
Married to my mind
Married in my mind
Married to humankind
Touching, breathing, thinking,
Stoned as fuck
My mind's not clear
My eyes, heavy eyes
Red from grass and fatigue
Run run run! The lunatic approaches!
We're gonna need to go further than that
We're gonna have to go down
Watching the trails that precede my cigarette
A joint and codeine on the beach
The waves feel like me
Crashing against yr shore
And not alone like before

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

If you want to know what's going on in Iraq right now check this site out.

Monday, September 08, 2003

Here's a poem I'm writing right now...

*No Sane, Just Sleeping*

I had just turned 19 when my life changed
I couldn't see myself in the mirror
All I saw was a reflection of something that wasn't me
And the reflection was physical
And I'm sure it wasn't me because I'm not
In fact, I'm nothing and nowhere
But it's all the same
So I want to touch other human beings
And I want to tell them I love them
Because that will make them human
But I'm in love with everybody
And I finally understand what she said
And why we had to break up
Because love isn't something you lock up
It's something you give freely
And I don't think you can see that
I guess we're all different
But I thought you were more different
I thought you were special
Not a square, but a triangle... or better yet a circle
Everything was circles
And she was circles and the room was circles
But all I tried to do was make sense of it
And it didn't work
It only made things worse
I don't think I'll do those drugs together again
But I can never say for sure
But why does it always seem like yr either completely alone, or yr streched too thin
And you can't possibly have enough love for everyone who loves you
And you feel so close to everybody
Which is why I finally understand what she said
And why we had to break up
And it scares me to see myself taking the same road
And it scares me to think that I am no longer what I was
And I've somehow grown
And I've somehow become something different
Maybe better, but definately not the same
And I don't think I'll ever be the same again
So we put our arms around eachother
And I think about her
But I can't forget how close I came to others
Physical touch is the eventual result of the collision of souls
Maybe we'll all touch someday
And maybe we won't be jealous
But we'll still be friends
And we'll still be married
Because everyone is married to everyone
And I've come to the realization that there are only two people in this world
Those who have love in their hearts...
and those who don't
Everyone should come to the Western New York Social Forum in Rochester.