Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Wisconsin Strike
Student Walkout
We are entering a period of revolution throughout the world. From Libya to Wisconsin! Long Live Revolution! The youth of the nation have always been the advance guard of freedom and liberation. Things are changing in the Middle East because the youth are through with it. The youth in Wisconsin are also quite aware of the evils of capitalism. Of course, the protests throughout the Middle East are not quite anti-capitalist. In fact, Hugo Chavez said we must not beat the war drums. However, many leftists have been looking at what is going on in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Algiers etc. and being encouraged. Perhaps this is a new era. Of course some idiots in the Tea Party are not taking the situation very seriously and the US government seems to have an ambivalent and cautious attitude toward the turmoil going on in the region. This is because they are not yet sure what kind of regime will replace the current ones. Could it be a socialist regime per chance? Maybe not, but time will tell.

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