Monday, January 24, 2011

Interestingly enough, despite the attempt by some radical socialists of today to say that gay rights are essential to socialism, socialism in the past has had a love-hate relationship with LGBT rights. Charles Fourier, Utopian socialist who coined the word feminism in 1837 defended same-sex sexuality. However, when Karl-Heinrich Ulrichs wrote Marx in the 1860s Marx passed the information on to Engels. Engels opposed the views espoused in the books calling "Uranians" "pederasts" and describing the practice of same-sex sexuality as perversion. After the Russian revolution of 1917 the Tsarist policies regarding private sex practices were reversed and gay sex was immediately legalized, however under Stalin conditions significantly worsened as they did under Mao as well. This does not mean that socialism is incompatible with LGBT rights. On the contrary, socialism means equality for everyone regardless or race, gender, sexual orientation or religion. However, some of the Communist regimes of the past have to make amends for the repression of LGBT people in those countries, and the repression of other groups as well. Marx's historical materialism means that we must learn from the mistakes of the past. Not only is repression of LGBT people morally wrong, it is also not a good tactic if you want the most people on your side. Any movement of, by and for the people must include ALL the people.

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