Friday, January 28, 2011

Expanded blog description:

The tide of revolution throughout the world is rising and in its wake the specter of socialism shows its teeth. Now is not the time to be neutral or complacent. You have noting to lose but your chains.
The title of this blog is a Haitian Voodoo Proverb. It means that the gods bless inhabit those who are strong. The Haitian revolution was the first successful slave revolt led by Toussaint L'Ouverture and Jean Jacques Dessalines (whom the background picture is of), both former slaves. Today capitalism keeps us in a different kind of slavery, but a slavery nonetheless. Marx believed in the scientific method and his belief was that humans were progressing from primitive communism, to feudalism, to capitalism and the next step would be industrial communism. Although I don't share his absolutist views, I do think his analysis is fairly accurate. However, I tend to agree with Proudhoun's Philosophy of Progress in which he states that what he believes in is a process rather than a finality. Evolution is a dynamic and constant process. We are taller than the people who lived in the middle ages and there are more of us. When the rich 5% own more than the bottom 90% the Plutocracy has to be abolished. Therefore, I am an abolitionist in the John Brown sense. An injury to one is an injury to all as the Knights of Labor put it.

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