Sunday, April 29, 2007

gotta get up get out get something they will go on within without you their presence is yr absence you are a ghost vanishing in the light that is reflected off the dust she is what before the loved called object of affected wandering in this fog the haze of the dusty light called upon from trees teach me oh teacher i want to learn your secret truths will you decode the message of infinity.
ok, enough piety. god has enough praise. one more voice won't make a difference. you think yr so big but yr little. individuality is the lens through which we see the continuum of existence. back to basics. clean the apartment. the ants are taking over. don't be so lazy and don't drink so much. don't wish for that which is not there. only dream, but do not long. in dreams anything is possible. in longing the only outcome can be despair. talk to others. connect with others. that is the true meaning. do not cease being human until the time comes. imperfection is beautiful, but perfection is ecstacy. in the end the potent magic will powder the room in rose scented dust. the trance will help along the way. trust it and do not fight. in all you do remember god, but do not think of god too much lest you become a tyrant. dwell on heaven, never hell. never labor for the sulfur and ash. it is useless and pointless knowlege. have love in yr heart every minute of the day.
do not be afraid to giggle and be silly when it is necessary.
i like walking in the rain. in the city walking is utilitarian. i used to go for walks in the woods. i never liked hunting season. have love in yr heart every minute. if you feel you must kill have love while yr killing. all things are natural. all things are necessary. most of what is necessary does not get done and thus time repeats itself. the cia is reading the communiques. no need to worry, government. i'm just a lonely voice crying out for help. like a million other lonely voices out there. in the shower you are made new. all the olds cells are dying. the fresh flesh is surfacing. a new day arises. get up and pay the bills. clean the house. don't sleep all day. i do nothing wrong, yet the government is reading my thoughts.

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