Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Alone at home, listening to Coalesce. Here's a poem about how great I am.

*Stem Tea*

I am lightning
I am a vulture's kiss or a big wet one from Judas Iscariot
I am the light that goes off when you press the trigger on yr camera
I am one and two and three but not four
And you don't deserve me

I am beautiful
I told you I have wings
But did you know the story of how I aquired them?
I feel like an empty jug of wine
Fill me up with puke or tears
Or else prove you love me

I am lightly and gracefully moving across the room on a cloud
I dance like a jester who lost his costume and is forced to wear a gray suit and entertain the entire office
I am the life of the party
I'm dirty and I'm squeaky, shining clean
Don't kiss me
You have diseases

Set up the bowling pins
I'll curl up into a ball and knock them all down
Give me a kick to get me started
And when the destruction is complete I won't stop
I'll just keep rolling into the sunset
And one day a million years from now you'll be sipping stem tea with a friend and say out loud, "I wonder what happened to him"
And you honestly won't realize that you drove me away

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