Wednesday, May 01, 2002

Gainesville, FL:

"Hell fire produces torment and torture. It's a place where sinners will scream and suffer for eternity. If someone has told you different they are wrong. If your church may have told you there's another place bsides heaven or hell, your church is in error."

-Excerpt from "Free Pass" pamphlet
Walker Bible Baptist Church

*This Place Doesn't Deserve You*

Infinite lines of ones and zeros crawl past my eyes and I stare and translate the data into emotion
A database of sadness stored inside the trench in a battle in the revolution
And I think she's just like the other one
Because it's true that most teen aged girls have neonazi tendencies
A blunt stick hits the cranium
Black out
I saw an angel in y dream
But when I woke up she was gone
And I'm afraid
I'm so scared

Town crier:
Dogbelly Blues; Ed Schelb, poet and Dennis Monroe, musician. 7:30. Java Junction. Brockport. Tonite.
Tomorrow. HasTheBoyFallen. Open mic night. 8:00. Same place.


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