Wednesday, February 03, 2010

*A Poem*

Honesty breaks the glass under its feet at a Jewish wedding
The place holder takes up horseback riding
And becomes bowlegged in the wind of Aeolus
Commas and punctuation reflection
Aborigine armchair angel
Again with the angels
My spirit guide, my guardian angel.
Broken angel, resurrection Mary
"Place holder will you take up mine"
I am free of myself
Now if only I can free myself from you
God you are my mind
God why did you leave me when I was 16
And why did I find you in a dark alley behind a porn shop?
Why did I find you in endless drinks and candy?
Where are your soldiers?
Where are your myriads of locusts?
When will the resurrection be?
Are Howard Zinn and J D Salinger in heaven?
Traveling in god's channel
(I spell god with a little g because I don't know if there is one or many)
Where are your disciples?
Where have all the Christians gone?
The ones who ignited revolution against the Romans
The ones who engaged in peaceful rebellion
Stephen Stills said Jesus was the first non-violent revolutionary
Where is the king the of the Jews now?
Why have you left us to work out our own problems?
When will the kingdom of heaven come to the earth?
Why have you forsaken me?
If you want, remove this cup from me
And I will embrace the golden bough
On watch for the ineffable golem

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