Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Rockefellers and the heirs to the Firestone and other fortunes funded Alcoholics Anonymous.

Crowley presents a satanic program of recovery from drug addiction. Throughout Diary of a Drug fiend, its publication predating Alcoholics Anonymous by 17 years, there are many themes and phrases, both similar and identical that are also common in “The Big Book” of Alcoholics Anonymous. These themes include “abandoning free will”, “abandoning ones self”, “it’s beyond human power”, “god is beyond conception”, “Do what thou wilt”, “Do with me as thou wilt” etc. The identical ideology of these doctrines is this: free will is useless therefore hand your will over to someone or something else.In turn, Treatment Centers utilizing the Twelve Step method of Alcoholics Anonymous aim to bring about a psychological break in the patient. This psychological break is referred to in Alcoholics Anonymous as a “complete psychological change”. The techniques used by treatment centers to cause a psychological break involve cutting off the patient from his familiar social setting (restricting contact with family and friends) and restricting access to reading material, radio and television. The patient lives in a situation of inferiority and is regularly reproached by his counselor and “group” members for using defense mechanisms (humor, self-pity, anger, etc.). The patient is bombarded with repetitive slogans and phrases. The idea is to create sufficient stress to cause a psychological collapse at which point the patient becomes susceptible to influence. The desired goal is for the patient to abandon free will and to accept the program. The most commonly known term for this form of this process of psychological restructuring is brainwashing

A company that puts out alcoholic music is called Illuminatti Music Productions

I'm a little bit frightened because I think I have a occult conscience. AA does a lot of good, but the meetings are pretty creepy. People chanting the lord's prayer in unison and saying "thanks for sharing" etc.

(at least the scientologists didn't get her like they did katey holms.)

This thing really spins. Just look at it for a little while (or even short while) and see the discs spinning

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