Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I'm gonna check myself into to the looney bin soon. It's been getting harder and harder to cope with life. Sunday morning I fell asleep at the wheel and hit a parked car. I could have been killed, but I was okay. Ever since then I've been crying every day. People around me have told me they've been disturbed by my speech and actions. That's embarassing to me. I'm not a scary person, at least I don't think of myself as one. I met a guy the other day who was very nice and we had a great conversation. I saw him reading on the porch and asked him what he was reading and he said The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power and so we started getting into a conversation about spirituality and it turns out we have a lot in common. It was great. So I made a new friend just off the street. I think life should be full of more moments like that. I guess that was my silver lining in this cloud of depression. I'm a nice, approachable person, but then I get too needy. I need more from a relationship than I have to offer, that and my strange ideas about creativity/spirituality creep people out sometimes. Listen people! A change is coming. Sylvia Browne says the veil is thinning. The tides are turning. Saddness and despair is the first step on the journey.

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