Monday, April 14, 2003

So the show in two weeks (Sat. the 26th) featuring me and Forgotten Figures Falling Together Between Two Twigs (and other less important acts) is aparently a benefit for the Tibetan Children's Fund or something like that. At least that's what I got from the Roch. ARA website. Here's a poem for all you romantic bohemians...

*Beautifully Inebriated*

Well I guess you pu ta big picturesque mirror over the sink to kill me
Let my own reflection drive me to paranoia or even suicide
A monster lurking in the shadows under my eyes and around my lips
I forgot to drink the tea that makes the spiders stop crawling on my face
Sometimes they let go a bundle of silk and let the wind carry them to where they want to go
But what would mother say?
Where is th epiety in getting high or low?
A good Christian is always right down the center
The ball hits the center pin at the gates of paradise and Strike! Yr in!
The shoes of magnificence donned with all the grace and elegance due
A snobbish look from the velociraptor in a three-piece suit
His teeth smuggly dripping with the carnage of a bowling match
Boy do we ever love guns
Fill the room with potatoes
Everything's going to be alright
But that's not it at all
The world is a pot of gumbo cooking in a caldron over a piece of hellfire
Take a taste too soon and it's too damn cold
Take a taste too late and it's burning up
But if yo umake sure to slurp the universe through yr teeth right now you won't regret having tasted the savory stew largely undiscovered cooking in a cave somewhere
Eve took a bite of the world
So did Snow White
We all have snakes and witches offering us pieces of wonderfully shiny fruit
But where is the sticker that says USDA Certified Organically Grown
The phone rang and the noises began in patterns
You were speaking
But I lost you at hello
So I hung up in mid-sentence and went back to reading Timothy Leary
And i guess I never understood why you got so mad

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