Monday, January 20, 2003

*MLK: A Memorandum*

Lots of people let locusts fly out of their mouths
Saying they know Jesus
So-called Christians with self-serving answers to What Would Jesus Do
Jesus would attack Iraq, Jesus was kill Saddam Houssein
But nobody knew Jesus of what or who he was
The so-called Christians say "know Jesus, know God"
But the Gospel of Thomas says "know yrself, know God"
Self knowlege is knowlege of the divine
Take a stand for justice
That's all Jesus was really saying
Dr. King took a stand against Vietnam and the FBI killed him
Dr. King was no killed by some cracker with three names like James Earl Ray
He was hunted down on the Poor People's Campaign Trail and in a brief moment of weakness outside his hotel room was slaughtered by the military-industrial establishment
The President was LBJ, Disciple of Christ
Would Jesus Use Agent Orange?
Rest In Peace Reverend King

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